
FairP2P is a membership-based organization engaging the expertise, skills and resources of its stakeholders to create and develop the competitive P2P skill-based gameplay sector. Our multi-tier membership is designed to attract and include the stakeholders from all parts of the esports and gaming industry. Our members, at all levels, will have the opportunity to shape emerging best practices. Together we can help elevate the entire sector to its next level. We envision a bright future for the P2P wagering sector and invite you and or your organization to help us build it.

Join FairP2P to shape the future of the competitive P2P skill-based gameplay sector at one of the following tiers:

Founding Member


Associate Member

Affiliate Member

To learn more or become a member please contact us through this form

Members Benefits Founding Members Core Members Associate Members Affiliate Members
Annual Fee $250,000* $125,000 $50,000 $2,500**
Board Membership - -
Regional / Domain Specific Panels Membership May apply to participate May apply to participate May apply to participate -
Advisory Board Membership May apply after 3 years of Core Membership May apply after 5 years of Core Membership -
Participation in Special Events May apply to participate
Premium Educational Resources (webinars, research papers, etc.) Full Access Full Access Partial Access Limited Access
Game Certifications 10 Certifications 5 Certifications 2 Certifications -
Platform Integrity Analysis TBD -
Access to Fair Matchmaking Framework -
Access to Code of Conduct, Best Practices and Standards
Integrity Incident Investigation Services TBD -
Access to Dispute Resolutions Services TBD -
Access to Integrity Registry -
Access to Resource Centre
Access to community forum for business development, collaboration, advocacy and regulatory lobbying

* - Founding Membership Fee is a one-time fee available to limited number of Founding Members; includes 3-year Core membership benefits

** - scholarships available to qualified individuals / organizations (i.e. students of law, academics, etc.)